Did you know that North Carolina has the fourth-highest rate of domestic violence in the United States? Domestic violence is terrible all around, and if you get arrested, you can face jail time, fines, and more. Not to mention the cost of getting ...
Bail FAQs
The Consequences of Forfeiting Bail: What Does It Mean for You?
Incarceration of some kind is unfortunately common in the U.S. at just under 1 in 100 people serving time in federal, state, or local facilities. While many of these people are serving out sentences, a lot of them are in the pre-trial phase. That ...
Bail vs. Bond: What Are the Differences?
Bail and bond payments are very controversial in the United States. In 2020 the ACLU estimates that about 630,000 people were incarcerated in the U.S. Human rights advocates claim bail prices are too high for many poor Americans. Controversy over bail ...
What Is a Bail Bond? A Complete Guide
A friend or loved one getting arrested is traumatic no matter the circumstances. If you don't have experience with the criminal court system, it makes matters even more complicated and overwhelming. Likely, the first thing you want to do is get your ...
What Are Standard Bail Amounts by Crime or Common Offense?
Imagine if you get arrested, your hands are placed behind your back, and cuffs are attached. Then, you ride in the back of a cop car to get processed for a crime you are accused of committing. For most people, this would be an event that rocks ...
Everything You Need to Know Bail Bond Financing
What if somebody you knew well went to prison and asked for help with posting bail, but you can't afford it? Posting bail for a loved one can seem like an emotionally and financially taxing task. There are, however, ways you can achieve bail bond ...
Bail Bonds: 6 Advantages Over Paying Bail Out-of-Pocket
Whether innocent or guilty, you’ve been arrested and it’s time to make bail, but how do you pay so much money? Should you ask relatives to pool their money for you, dip into your life savings or retirement or use bail bonds services? A bail bond is the ...
What Is Unsecured Bail and How Does It Differ From a Secured Bail Bond?
Many people have at least a general idea of what bail bonds are and what they do. But they may not know how they work and what the various types of bail are. However, this is important information to know. Especially if you or a loved ...
How Bail Amounts Are Determined
Bail is an indispensable part of the American justice system. It's a way of allowing defendants to prepare for trial at home whilst giving the justice system some collateral. But how is bail determined? If you or a loved one has a bail hearing coming ...
Under Arrest In Raleigh, North Carolina: The Steps You Should Take to Get Out of Jail Fast
The last place you want to find yourself is in jail. Many people are unlucky and are placed under arrest after committing a crime. If you have committed a less serious crime and violence was not used, you can get out of jail fast. How? Before being set ...